To save you all the agony of reading through mindless rambling and incoherence which actually makes up my normal thought process, I'll just cut to the chase.
I've been meaning to go back to this blog of mine; to sweep away the cobwebs, tidy up a bit, repaint the ceiling, and feed the diabolical demon-squirrels that I keep in the cupboard (nut-munchers). Being tied up by all kinds of responsibilities (excuses), I've found it a tad difficult to even think about logging in and letting the creative juices flow. Yes, what I just typed DID sound a bit inappropriate, but I digress...
Given the fact that my blog typically runs on agony, hatred, and copious amounts of misfortune, it's been rather tough to sit down and write, having been living a rather normal life for the longest time. We can't have it all, I know.
Carlos: Circa 2008
This could probably be something good, on account of I don't get to read a lot. My brain cells are beaten, burned, and utterly destroyed on a daily basis thanks to my job, and I suppose blogging would be the best way to jump start the old think-tank. It could also help show everyone how mentally damaged yet emotionally stable (LOL) I've become since my teenage years. I'll be needing the sympathy, after all.